Monday, February 5, 2007


I am totally laughing as I am writing this post. I hope that no one thinks I am too vain, but I am going to share some pictures of my legs. Today I was at work and I was wearing a dress that came just below my knees. I rarely wear any dress that isn't long and usually wear pants to work. So, I don't really show my legs too often. A customer came in this morning and as I went to the conveyor to get her clothes she said "Do you work out" I was so shocked that someone asked me that. I mean, being so heavy for so long no one would even think of asking me if I worked out. I said "I go walking and jog a little". Then she said "You have the most amazing calves I have ever seen". Then we continued to talk about how I try and walk 16-20 miles a week. So anyway I was thrilled with this compliment. I have been blessed with nice legs thanks to good genes, however now that I have started working out the muscle memory has come back and they are really tone. Can't wait until I start lifting weights and getting my muscle tone in my arms back :). Here are some more angels and please don't think I am insane for posting these pictures. I am just proud of myself and want to show off a little or a lot....

Here is a picture of the dress I was wearing. It is too big, but I am limited on what I can wear. Anyway, it is not the greatest picture of me. I am laughing because I had Gideon take the picture and before he took it I said "How does my hair look?" and he said "Not too good". So it just made me laugh and he snapped the picture.


George said...

Nice legs, Hunzy!

jethrojones said...

whistle whistle

andrea said...

She's got legs....She knows how to use them!

Lucy said...

Lovely gams. Woot woo.

Sue said...

You've got the most rockin' legs I've ever seen - I'm jealous!!