Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Exciting News- I've lost 50 pounds!!!!

I can't believe it! I am at my 1/2 way point! In less than three months I have lost 50 POUNDS! I am so happy. It is amazing that I have been able to do it and I know it will take longer than three months to lose my last 50 pounds, but I am still really excited.

I looked back to one of my original posts. I was so excited that I had lost 30 pounds. Here is the picture that I posted on that post.I can hardly stand to look at the picture of me when I first started this diet. It was December 6, 2006 and I was 50 pounds heavier and had an extra 7 inches on my waist. Not to mention the extra inches elsewhere. I put on the same outfit today that I wore on 12/6/06. The pants that used to be so tight around the waist now hang on my hips. I can pull them up and down without even unfastening them. The shirt is so baggy I feel like I could fit another person in there. I tried to pull the pants out so that you could see what a difference it is. Not only are the pants really baggy, I can't help but notice my face. Not just that it is thinner, but in the picture on 12/6/06 I am smiling, but I don't look happy. In this picture taken today, I actually look happy. Of course I feel happy inside too and that makes such a difference. I was so miserable being so overweight. I just wasn't happy and I never felt good. Now, I feel great, I think I look great and I am smiling from within. What a difference. I know I will notice a more drastic difference when I compare the pictures I took today to when I am a total of 100 pounds less. I can't wait!

I knew that this shirt was baggy, but I can't believe how much extra material I was able to grab in my hand. This shirt used to stretch along the button line because it was getting so snug.

So, here I am in a profile view to show you the difference. I don't look 9 months pregnant anymore, that much is for sure! I still don't like the profile view of me now, but it is much better than the original picture taken.


Staci said...

Congratulations Amy! You look so awesome. I am so proud of you. You just look fantastic and you having amazing dedication. I admire your dedication and perseverance. Your so amazing.

jethrojones said...

Good Job Hunzy!

Reuel and Ana said...

Dear Amy
what a great milestone to reach I am so proud of you. love

Sue said...

Way to go Amy!!! Keep going - I know how hard that first 50 is, but you're so motivated, I know you can keep it up. Just remember that you didn't put the weight on in one day, so don't be discouraged if one bad happens. And remember this little saying: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. You go girl!!!

Lucy said...

Amy, you are looking so incredible. I love you in your old clothes. That really says something. You are amazing:)